目前分類:Dallas, here we come! (達拉斯, 我們來了) (44)

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昨晚我們到Philip 和 Jennifer 的家吃火鍋, 真的很謝謝他們為了冠智下個禮拜Dallas 的trip, 如此熱心的要把他們所知Dallas 的一切與我們分享. Philip 和 Jennifer 是我們在母會認識不久一對愛主的couple, 他們很久以前就準備回應神的感動與呼召, 要全時間出來受裝備, 他們跟我們分享的許多見證, 都給我和冠智帶來很多感動!

他們去年為了準備今年Fall要到Dallas Theological Seminary, 在Dallas 已經買了房子, 也到Dallas 附近好好探路了一番. 最近我跟冠智在禱告中及環境的帶領下, 也積極的準備搬到Dallas 上學, (以後有空, 再好好寫一寫關於我們最近的心路歷程與見證)

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Today, Charles booked the air ticket for the trip that he is going to make to the DTS event “Discover Dallas” in March. It’s a great opportunity for him to discover the school and the communities. He will be flying into Dallas-Fort Worth airport and rent a car. Phillip and Jennifer are nice enough to make their new house available for Charles during these 3 days. Hopefully, Charles will be able to see for himself if DTS is the place that God is leading us to and also to see the possible communities that we will live in if indeed we will move to Dallas.

I just pray that God will guide us during this process because sometimes I still think it’s such a shock and a difficult process to go through…

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Charles met with his advisor, Prof. Fredrickson today to discuss his future classes at Western Seminary. It seems Sacramento Campus cannot provide enough classes if Charles wants to graduate from Western. That’s why we are thinking of moving --- either to the Bay Area (to finish classes at Western’s SJ campus) or to Dallas (to transfer all his credits to DTS and to finish his TH. M. there). Charles is also asking Prof. Fredrickson to write a letter of recommendation for his application to DTS.

To our surprise, Prof. Fredrickson is being quite positive about this move and he gave Charles many advices and he also agreed to become Charles’ reference. He recommended for Charles to get into DTS ASAP and actually he also received his TH. M. there. At the end of their advising hour, he prayed with Charles and he prayed “in one year, things might be very different” and he asked God’s blessing on us. .

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God has provided so many changes and upheavals in our lives in the past few years in which we learned tremendously. The funny thing is I am the type of person who is VERY AFRAID of changes in life. God certainly knows how to change me using changes in my life. :>

I knew that Dallas Theological Seminary has always a dream of Charles’, but I was always the one who is afraid of change and vigorously opposed to the idea of moving. But now it seems to us… the time has come… that we have to take another leap of faith in our lives.

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