目前分類:Judy's Diary (媽媽的日記) (57)

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發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2006-02-27 Judy's Dairy- 忙碌的爸爸 (12) (2)
2006-02-25 Judy's Dairy - 耶! 鍵盤修好了! 小事上的感恩 …. (10) (2)
2006-02-19 Judy's Diary- 沒力的媽媽 (9) (4)
2006-02-09 Judy's Diary - Stiff Neck (9) (3)
2006-02-06 Judy's Diary - Daddy in the Bay Area (12) (1)
2006-02-03 Judy's Diary - Scholarship Application Sent Off! (16) (2)
2006-01-13 Judy's Dairy - First Day back to Work in 2006 (11) (2)