最近小乖在許多事上, 都給我們許多的驚喜. 好像以前那個什麼都不懂的小寶寶一下子變成了一個慢慢懂事的小女孩了.

以前愛哭的她, 慢慢現在好像不愛亂發脾氣了

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After a 3-week vacation, I am back at my usual post -- internship at Bayside Church. I miss seeing my co-workers and my clients. This semester, I have purposely rearranged my schedule to only seeing clients on Fridays and I want to limit my clients to 5 at the most. I have started my internship at Bayside since April 2005 and the more I spend time to practice, the more I am encouraged and confirmed about my gifts in this area. It’s my great privilege to help those who are hurting and sometimes to just lend a listening ear to let my clients know that they are ok and God loves them.

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Hi everyone!

We have been thinking about setting up a blog for Faith and for our family, but there were many concerns about setting one up. Judy is not sure if she can devote time on this and if we started one and cannot keep it up, then that's not good. However, after much consideration (actually, after the urge of Joy...) we have decided to set up our blog.

This blog will be a record to track our family's happiness, sadness, and everything else. Most importantly, the focus of this blog is to record our precious angel --- Faith's growth!

So, here you are... Welcome to our little home where we hope we will portray the warmth and love of our Lord!

Judy, Charles and Faith

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主內平安! 時間過的真快! 一轉眼又到了歲末年終感恩的季節, 願大家在寒冷的季節裡享受主的恩典與喜樂! 更重要的事, 讓我們一起來數算神在我們身上的恩典和愛!

今年我們一家有太多的事情可以來感謝主! 從冠智在年初開始全時間的上神學院, 小乖的一歲生日, 胡意到 Bayside 實習… 許許多多大大小小的事, 我們都必須讚嘆神的帶領與恩典! 我們想跟大家分享其中一個見證, 來訴說神的奇妙與供應.

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主內平安! 希望大家在這炎熱的夏季都滿有主的恩典與喜樂!

從七月開始我和冠智就開始了我們的暑假, Western Seminary 是一所挺嚴格的學校, 學的功課也很紮實, 所以暑假對我們來說是一個可以好好放鬆的時刻, 可以跟家人多一點時間在一起. 不過從八月開始我跟冠智就要開始好好的預習下學期的功課, 課本也買好了, 希望可以預先準備. 下學期冠智會拿三堂課: 解經學 (Interpreting the Scripture)¸ 初級希伯來文 (Foundational Hebrew), 如何愛神及愛人 (Loving God and Others). 胡意也拿了三堂課: 解經學 (Interpreting the Scripture), 藥物及酒精的濫用 (Substance Abuse), 及 Counseling Practicum. 新的學期又要開始了, 請你們繼續為我們的課業代禱.

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主內平安! 一直想要提筆寫一封信讓大家知道我們的近況, 也謝謝你們的代禱與支持, 現在終於抽出空來, 坐下好好寫這封信, 感謝主!

冠智和我都在Western Seminary 讀書, 我們在裡面的得著實在是太多了, 只能用感謝主這三個字來形容. 冠智在讀道學碩士 (Master of Divinity), 胡意是在讀婚姻及家庭輔導(Marriage and Family Therapy). 這學期冠智拿了三堂課, 系統神學二 (Theology II), 塑造合神心意的領袖 (Develop godly leadership), 講道學 (Prepare and preach expository sermon). 胡意這學期也拿了三堂課: Psychopathology, Family Systems Therapy 及 Counseling Practicum. 這個學期結束後, 冠智就可完成三分之一的學分, 而剩下的六十個學分估計可以在兩年內讀完. 胡意在這個學期結束後可完成二分之一的學分, 而剩下的三十六個學分應該在一年半內可完成. Western Seminary 是個很好的學習環境, 我們也鼓勵大家有空的話可以到那裡拿一些課進深.

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