這張照片是聖誕節前後照的, 裡面的小乖真是讓媽媽愛不釋手啊. 好像印證了一句話 "小孩都是自己的漂亮" 各位其他的媽媽們請忍受小乖媽媽在這裡自吹自擂, 因為小乖真的是爸媽的小心肝寶貝啊!

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昨天與我剛認識的朋友塔塔, 和老朋友Joy 都提到了這個題目 --- 神的公主… 我突然想到我所珍愛的兩本書: His Princess, Prays to My King & His Princess – Love Letters from Your King both by Sheri Rose Shepherd.

我強力推薦這兩本書給我所有的基督徒姐妹們, 這兩本書提醒我們, God is our King in shining armor and waiting to give His love to us… and we are His princesses.

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每次回到母會都有一種回娘家的感覺, 看到大家心裡就有一種溫暖的感覺. 在這裡要先來謝謝每一位替我們代禱的兄弟姐妹, 也謝謝你們不斷的支持與愛的托住.

老實說本來今天不是很確定要跟大家分享什麼, 我沒有什麼大道理可以跟大家講, 所以就跟大家分享一些最近的心路歷程與感想好了!

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從小我就很自然的讓小乖四周, 充滿音樂. 現在在車上最常放的就是讚美之泉的詩歌. 我自己也喜歡哼哼唱唱, 我發覺從小唱歌給小乖聽, 真的很有效耶.

小乖現在很喜歡做的一件事, 就是拿歌本給媽媽, 然後指定她想要聽的歌, 請媽媽唱給她聽. 好玩的是, 她還會挑她喜歡的歌, 然後翻到她想要的那頁, 抓著媽媽的手, 順著歌詞邊唱邊指. 我發覺得我已經變成小乖的卡拉ok伴唱機, 我的手就是螢幕上的指標, 指出現在唱到那裡, 我的嘴巴就是發聲機, 隨時小乖翻到那一頁, 我就要隨時改變唱她翻到的那首歌.

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Today, Charles booked the air ticket for the trip that he is going to make to the DTS event “Discover Dallas” in March. It’s a great opportunity for him to discover the school and the communities. He will be flying into Dallas-Fort Worth airport and rent a car. Phillip and Jennifer are nice enough to make their new house available for Charles during these 3 days. Hopefully, Charles will be able to see for himself if DTS is the place that God is leading us to and also to see the possible communities that we will live in if indeed we will move to Dallas.

I just pray that God will guide us during this process because sometimes I still think it’s such a shock and a difficult process to go through…

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I know it's quite long... but I learned a lot from this article and sharing it with you!
(取自goodtv 月刊)

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昨天帶小乖去她一禮拜一次的Little Gym 上課, 媽媽卻意外受了傷… 哈哈哈, 其實也不是超級嚴重, 就是在教小乖做前翻滾時, 扭到了脖子. 一翻完, 我就知道, 事情不妙, 可是沒想到, 到了晚上越來越嚴重, (痛的程度只能用痛不欲生來形容!) 只好緊急打電話給教會的李弟兄 (他是醫生), 他建議我趕快冰敷, 然後睡覺前再洗個 hot shower, 來使肌肉放鬆.

的確, 今早起來, 好了不少.

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小乖今晚洗澡的時候發生了一件有趣的事情, 我給她洗完澡之後, 突然想起我必須要把爐子上的牛尾湯放到保溫鍋裡去, 我就跟小乖說, 媽媽一分鐘就回來, 沒想到就在我到廚房沒多久, 就聽到小乖大吼大叫的聲音, 聽起來也不像是發生了什麼危險的事情, 我也沒有馬上回去浴室看她. 可是小乖的叫聲卻越來越大聲, 當我趕去看她的時候, 卻發現她自己竟然從澡缸裡跑出來, 一個人站在外面對著澡缸旁邊的磁磚大呼小叫. 我仔細一看才發現, 有幾隻螞蟻在磁磚上爬. 而小乖大概洗澡一半時發現有螞蟻, 就嚇的跳出來, 對著螞蟻大吼! 小乖一直指著螞蟻,要我把螞蟻拿走. 我也只好成為勇敢的螞蟻殺手, 來保護我女兒嚕! 看小乖的反應, 真的挺好玩的!

而今天晚上洗完澡, 陪小乖玩時, 意外的發現她會開始sort 不同shapes, 她有一桶block, 桶子的蓋子就是一個shape sorter. 小乖以前只對圓形積木有興趣, 也只會放圓形積木到桶子裡, 今晚意外的發現她已經知道把正方形及長方形的積木放到正確的洞洞裡.

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I have received this email from brother Alan Wang at church and I really like it. Sharing it with you!

The government recently calculated the cost of raising a child from birth to 18 and came up with $160,140 for a middle income family. Talk about sticker shock! That doesn't even touch college tuition.
But $160,140 isn't so bad if you break it down. It translates into $8,896.66 a year, $741.38 a month, or $171.08 a week. That's a mere $24.24 a day! Just over a dollar an hour. Still, you might think the best financial advice is don't have children if you want to be "rich." Actually, it is just the opposite.

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謝謝大家的關心, 小乖好多了! 今天午覺竟然睡了三個鐘頭, 我想她的鼻子已經好到可以讓她呼吸比較順暢了. 不過這幾天她大概也挺累的 (因為都睡不好覺), 就讓她補補眠吧!

明天小乖有Little Gym的 class, 我幾乎有點不想讓她去了. 因為我懷疑就是上個禮
拜在跟小朋友玩的時候, 傳染到感冒. 可是想想有點可笑, 怎麼可以這樣就因噎廢食呢? 日子還是要過下去啊! 不過我要記得要常給小乖洗手倒是真的.

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爸爸昨天就到灣區上學去了, 要到星期二晚上才回來. 媽媽跟小乖都好想爸爸 !

爸爸打電話回家時, 小乖都好高興. 一直聽爸爸的聲音呢!

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今天下午帶乖去看Dr. Skiles. 跟以往一樣, 又要把衣服脫光光量體重,小乖最討厭的就是在診所脫衣服, 在量體重的時候, 做做樣子的哀號了一會兒, 是有那麼幾滴眼淚, 可是說哭也不像. 醫生說最近很多小朋友都感冒, 症狀跟小乖的差不多, 假如說沒發燒的話, 就不須要吃藥, 只有慢慢休養, 自然好嚕.

不過, 醫生看到小乖臉上自己抓的一個傷口, 倒是有一點擔心, 其實這也是我要帶小乖去看醫生的原因. 一個多禮拜前, 小乖的臉上, 不知那來的一個小傷口, 她就自己小手摳摳, 傷口一直好不了. 我試過用aquqhor, 用藥膏都沒用, 只能一直盯著她, 不要她抓自己的臉臉. 不過, 她晚上睡覺時, 可能不知不覺的抓那個傷口, 使得傷口一直好不了. 醫生怕傷口會開始發炎, 化膿, 開了抗生素要小乖連續吃十天. 希望傷口可以很快就好起來.

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可憐哪, 可憐! 聽到小乖躺在床上唉哀叫, 我想她的鼻子和喉嚨讓她難過的睡不著吧! 她已經兩天午覺都無法好好睡了, 現在是深夜, 卻聽到她陣陣的哀叫聲及咳嗽, 心裡實在是難過. (不過, 還好病的不是我, 不然我就痛苦嚕…又病又要照顧她…)

小乖妳趕快好起來吧! 這幾天天氣這麼好, 媽媽很想帶妳出去走走哪!

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小乖從前天開始有一點小咳嗽, 本來覺得應該沒什麼. 可是昨天開始咳的越來越厲害, 鼻涕也一直流. 今天可以看的出來她很難過, 鼻水就像關不緊的水龍頭一樣, 一直滴滴答答, 眼睛也水水紅紅的. 本來今天應該1點就上床午睡, 到現在 (4點了) 還在她小床上睡不著.

小乖一直很少感冒, 不過今年冬天她卻小感冒了幾次. 唉! 看到她難過, 做父母的也替她難過, 小孩生病是很平常的, 不過我卻替她擔心, 大概我是一個很容易擔心的媽媽吧!

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Finally, I was able to finish the application for Shirley Godfrey Scholarship and I sent it off to the committee advisor, Barbara Coulam tonight by email! The deadline is Feb. 7th, so I made it. Hopefully, all three of my references (Mrs. Lee, Joy and Carolyn) will also turn in their letters of references on time.

If I won this scholarship, then I will get $2,000 for our family. It would also be recognition of how hard I have worked for my school and family. So, I pray that I will hear from the scholarship committee soon with good news.

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Charles met with his advisor, Prof. Fredrickson today to discuss his future classes at Western Seminary. It seems Sacramento Campus cannot provide enough classes if Charles wants to graduate from Western. That’s why we are thinking of moving --- either to the Bay Area (to finish classes at Western’s SJ campus) or to Dallas (to transfer all his credits to DTS and to finish his TH. M. there). Charles is also asking Prof. Fredrickson to write a letter of recommendation for his application to DTS.

To our surprise, Prof. Fredrickson is being quite positive about this move and he gave Charles many advices and he also agreed to become Charles’ reference. He recommended for Charles to get into DTS ASAP and actually he also received his TH. M. there. At the end of their advising hour, he prayed with Charles and he prayed “in one year, things might be very different” and he asked God’s blessing on us. .

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God has provided so many changes and upheavals in our lives in the past few years in which we learned tremendously. The funny thing is I am the type of person who is VERY AFRAID of changes in life. God certainly knows how to change me using changes in my life. :>

I knew that Dallas Theological Seminary has always a dream of Charles’, but I was always the one who is afraid of change and vigorously opposed to the idea of moving. But now it seems to us… the time has come… that we have to take another leap of faith in our lives.

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Lilypie Baby Ticker
Lilypie Baby Ticker

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Just yesterday, I thought my little Faith was turning into a little well-behaved princess. Today, she has proven me wrong!

After church today, we went to a restaurant to have dinner and after dinner; daddy took us to Kohl’s to have a walk. Lately, she can stay on a stroller for a long time, so we thought she would be ok for us to push her around in the store.

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